HUMAN RESOURCES                                                              Confidentiality  
HR # 7
                                                                                                                                                                            Approved by :
Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                                                            Date of Adoption :July 3, 2014
                                                                                                                                                                            Last Reviewed:October 11, 2023
                                                                                                                                                                            Next Review Date :October 11, 2024


The Agency respects the privacy rights of clients, employees, volunteers, students, managers, board members and service providers associated with the Agency by virtue of a contract or other agreement. Such information may be written, electronic or verbal. Confidentiality is an ethical trust placed with all those associated with the Agency. As such, confidential information shall not be discussed except in the performance of assigned duties.

On joining the Agency, all employees, volunteers, students, managers and board members are required to read and sign the Oath of Confidentiality.

Failure to sign the Oath of Confidentiality or abide by the provisions of the Oath will be considered a breach of the Confidentiality policy and as such, will be considered as cause for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or termination of a contract or service agreement.

Breach of confidentiality includes but is not limited to:

  • accessing information of a client, staff member, family member or anyone for whom you do not have a “need to know” requirement based on performing regular job duties;
  • discussing client information with a person who is not involved in providing service to the client or does not require the information to perform their job functions;
  • removal, copying or transmittal of client/personnel information for reasons other than the performance of duties;
  • leaving client information in unsecured locations where it may be accessed by unauthorized persons.

Members of the Board of Directors will only receive client information necessary to carry out its function.


All employees, volunteers, students, board members and service providers associated with the Agency by virtue of a contract or other agreement are required to sign an Oath of Confidentiality. By signing the Oath of Confidentiality, individuals acknowledge that they have read and understood the Oath of Confidentiality and agree to comply with same.

Disclosure of client information may only occur within the scope of the Agency’s policies and procedures.

Misuse of information will be considered a breach of confidentiality.

Any breach of confidentiality will be reported to the Executive Director at the earliest possible opportunity. In the case of the Executive Director, the breach of confidentiality will be reported to the Chairperson of the Board.

As appropriate, a breach of confidentiality will be reported as a Serious Occurrence to the Ministry of Community and Social Services. Further, a breach of confidentiality will be reported to the Office of the Privacy Commission of Ontario.

A breach of the Oath of Confidentiality shall be considered a breach of the employer/employee/    volunteer relationship and may be considered cause for termination of employment, volunteerism or contract.

All employees are required to review the Confidentiality policy annually.